Closing 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025
In 2024, 5G monetization lagged, FWA thrived, wholesale fiber networks expanded, and regulators embraced consolidation with conditions. In 2025, operators must tackle monetization, delayering for efficiency, and enhancing user value to stay competitive.
Europe’s legacy networks: 3G and 2G still matter in the age of 5G
This analysis explores reliance on 3G and 2G across 36 European markets, highlights recent 3G shutdowns in the U.K., and underscores the implications for mobile experience and operator strategies.
United Kingdom, December 2024, Fixed Broadband Experience
Virgin Media sweeps the overall experience table. Community Fibre dominates the London fixed broadband experience. YouFibre performs strongly in the North of England, while Hyperoptic is the most awarded ISP in Scotland.
From spectrum auctions to user experience: Canada’s 5G progress
In this Opensignal analysis we take another look at the 5G landscape in Canada after the 3.8GHz spectrum tender, offering insight into how Canada’s 5G experience compares to its OECD peers, and how 3.8GHz spectrum will boost 5G experience in the country.
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Coverage improves but Consistent Quality varies for Taiwanese mobile operators post-merger
We focus on the impact on Opensignal users of two major mergers in Taiwan. FarEasTone's and Taiwan Mobile's Coverage Experience scores substantially increased after the mergers. However, both mergers initially caused network integration issues
Bangladesh, February 2025, Mobile Network Experience
Grameenphone wins five awards outright and two jointly in the latest Bangladesh Mobile Network Experience report. Banglalink is the sole winner for Consistent Quality and Reliability Experience and shares two awards with Grameenphone.
Sri Lanka, February 2025, Mobile Network Experience
For the first time, Opensignal presents 5G awards in Sri Lanka. Dialog leads the award count with seven awards won outright, including all 5G awards, and four jointly. SLT Mobitel is the sole winner of two Consistency awards and shares three more recognitions.
Cambodia, February 2025, Mobile Network Experience
Smart leads the award count with six awards won outright, including Reliability Experience, which is introduced in Cambodia's report for the first time. Metfone ends with two sole wins, while Cellcard is the outright winner for Download Speed Experience.,
Czechia, February 2025, Mobile Network Experience
T-Mobile has the Best Network but O2’s customers are able to connect to 5G in more places.
Brazil, January 2025, Mobile Network Experience
TIM remains top for Consistent Quality, the fastest average download speeds are with Vivo and Claro takes home Reliability Experience.