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Independence Charter

Opensignal is the independent global standard for analyzing consumers’ true experience on communications networks.

We believe that transparency in how operators deliver on network experience encourages network improvements, helps consumers choose an operator, boosts competition and leads to better connectivity for everyone. Our company, employees, analytics and analysis, industry reports and market data are completely independent, and abide by a clear set of guiding principles.

Editorial and methodological integrity

Consistent, transparent analytical methodology

Opensignal’s analysis methodology for our Network Experience insights has been developed independently over several years and examined by many industry stakeholders.

We never change our methodology to suit the needs of a particular country or operator, to allow us to offer consistent and independent metrics globally. Our methodology evolves as we make improvements and those changes are applied consistently worldwide.

Editorial independence

Opensignal retains editorial control of our reports and the analysis and opinions are always our own, based on the real world experience data we collect independent of an operator.

Equal access without influence

Opensignal’s business model is to provide independent analytics and insights to operators, vendors, financial services institutions and regulators to improve connected services for wireless subscribers.

No stakeholder is provided with additional influence over Opensignal’s independent results, methodology, reports or analysis.

Editorial content is independent

Opensignal will not accept payments to guarantee that a public report will favor a specific company or to record any other predetermined outcome. Our objective is to transparently and accurately reflect the results of our research participants, and ultimately improve their quality and access to connected services.


Independent citation policy

Network operators, analysts, regulators or other companies who wish to cite Opensignal reports can request written permission from Opensignal in advance. All requests will be treated equally.

Opensignal only permits its reports to be cited “as is” and without alteration. Press and media are encouraged to cite Opensignal reports with appropriate attribution.

Collaboration clearly identified and labeled

Where Opensignal conducts collaborative analysis with independent research analysis companies, academic institutions or other organizations, this collaboration will be clearly labeled in the resulting reports or presentation materials.

Our corporate commitment

Independent ownership

Opensignal is not owned in part or in whole by any operator or network equipment vendor.

No conflict of interest by employees or partners

Opensignal will ensure any conflicts of interest which may emerge by its employees are resolved.

Company-wide acceptance of our integrity policy

Opensignal’s leadership team, engineers, data scientists, analysts, sales professionals, marketers and employees have agreed to and committed to comply with this charter.