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Analytics Charter

Opensignal’s insights into network experience are designed to allow an objective comparison of different networks. Our analytics encompass data science best practices to ensure that the results that appear in our dashboards and public reports can be trusted.

We believe these analytics policies, when combined with the measurement philosophy laid out in our Experience Charter, lead the industry and produce the most accurate insights about how consumers experience the connectivity that is essential to daily life.

Consistent, transparent analytical methodology

Opensignal’s analysis methodology for our Network Experience insights has been developed independently over several years and examined by many industry stakeholders.

We never change our methodology to suit the needs of a particular country or operator, to allow us to offer consistent and independent metrics globally. Our methodology evolves as we make improvements and those changes are applied consistently worldwide.

Real users, weighted equally

Our analytics are designed to ensure that each research participant equally contributes to results.

Our analysis ensures that we only include analysis from devices that display normal behavior, and not the behavior of test and engineering devices, research projects, or other programmed routines.

Confidence intervals transparently displayed

We always use confidence intervals in our analytical conclusions. They are clearly displayed in our charts, unless including them lessens readability.

Confidence intervals represent the upper and lower bound interval that a value will fall between. Using confidence intervals is standard scientific practice when reporting on sampled analysis.

Statistical significance is required to draw conclusions

If a difference between operators for a given metric is not statistically significant we declare it a draw and report each operator as a 'joint winner'.

Where confidence intervals are large we do not report the analysis at all to ensure that we only publish results in which we are confident.

Only an operator’s direct subscribers are included

To ensure that our analysis truly represents the experience of an operator’s own customers we classify measurements according to the customer facing brand they were generated from. This means MVNOs are treated separately from MNOs and consumer facing broadband providers are captured, not the wholesale networks on which the traffic is carried.

Measurements generated by national roamers are attributed to the user’s home operator as that is part of their network experience. International roaming traffic is excluded from publicly reported values.

Consistent standard time intervals used

We normally only report on standard time intervals and the most recent analysis; we do not “cherry-pick” an arbitrary time period in a report to support a predetermined conclusion. Where a different time window is being used this will always be clearly identified.