Colombia, January 2025, Mobile Network Experience
The fastest 5G experience is with Movistar and Claro tops the charts for coverage.
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024
Opensignal sheds light on the difference in the 5G experience seen by our users on different operators across the globe — to better inform users, operators and regulators — and to celebrate the mobile industry’s collective efforts.
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How Colombia’s operators are re-using existing spectrum for modern 4G services
In this analysis, Opensignal has looked at how three national operators in Colombia use their spectrum holdings in one of the legacy 3G bands — 1900 MHz (band 2), also known as the PCS band. We observed that mobile operators have been shifting their use of this band from 3G to 4G technology and also have moved to larger channel widths for 4G connections which helps to boost the mobile experience of users.
Cómo los operadores Colombianos están reutilizando el espectro existente para los servicios 4G modernos
En este análisis, Opensignal ha examinado cómo tres operadores nacionales en Colombia utilizan sus tenencias de espectro en una de las bandas 3G heredadas: 1900 MHz (banda 2), también conocida como la banda PCS. Hemos observado que los operadores de telefonía móvil han cambiado el uso de esta banda de la tecnología 3G a la 4G y también han pasado a tener un mayor ancho de canal para las conexiones 4G, lo que ayuda a mejorar la experiencia móvil de los usuarios.
Benchmarking the Global 5G Experience — March 2022
During 2022, 5G will start to become the mainstay of the mobile experience in many markets. In others, the 5G journey is starting, but 5G offers the promise of a significantly superior experience. Here, Opensignal's quantifies the current 5G experience.
5G Impact on the Global Mobile Network Experience
Approximately once a decade the mobile industry unveils a new network technology standard with the goal of revolutionizing users’ mobile network experience. Opensignal examines the real-world impact that 5G has had on the mobile experience by comparing 100 markets.
Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2022
In the third Global Mobile Network Experience Awards report, Opensignal once again directly compares operators from around the world to recognize those on which our users had the best mobile experience.
Reporte sobre la experiencia de red móvil: Colombia, Enero 2022
Nuestra tabla de premios no ha sufrido cambios desde el último reporte — Tigo gana todos los premios menos uno. La única excepción es la Experiencia de Cobertura 4G, que Claro defiende con éxito y reclama por quinta vez consecutiva. Por primera vez, hemos comparado directamente la experiencia de red móvil de nuestros usuarios en WOM, un nuevo actor en el mercado móvil de Colombia, contra la experiencia de los usuarios en otras redes Colombianas establecidas.
Colombia, January 2022, Mobile Network Experience
Our award table saw no changes since the last report — Tigo wins all but one of the awards outright. The only exception is 4G Coverage Experience, which Claro successfully defends and claims outright for the fifth time in a row. For the first time, we have directly compared the mobile network experience of our users on WOM, a new player in the Colombian mobile market, against the experience of users on other established Colombian networks.