5G Experience Report Switzerland November 2021


5G Experience Report
November 2021

Opensignal is the independent global standard for analyzing consumer mobile experience. Our industry reports are the definitive guide to understanding the true experience consumers receive on wireless networks.

Robert Wyrzykowski Senior Analyst

Key Findings

Sunrise breaks the 200 Mbps barrier in 5G Download Speed

In our first report on 5G Experience in Switzerland, Sunrise collected both of our 5G speeds awards as a sole winner — 5G Download Speed and 5G Upload Speed. The operator successfully defended both awards — and on top of this, managed to break the barrier of 200 Mbps of average 5G download speed this time, soaring from 199 to 213.8 Mbps. Our users on all mobile networks in Switzerland saw their average 5G download speed exceed 150 Mbps and 5G upload speeds — 30 Mbps.

Sunrise successfully challenged Swisscom’s sole lead in 5G extent awards

Swisscom won both of our 5G extent awards outright — 5G Availability and 5G Reach — in our previous report. This time, however, Sunrise threw down the gauntlet to the previous sole award holder. After an impressive increase of 6.8 percentage points, Sunrise’s 5G Availability score increased to 18.2%. This resulted in Sunrise prying the 5G Availability award out of Swisscom’s hands and becoming the outright winner, with a 5.5-percentage point lead over the previous award holder. Thanks to a stunning increase of 1.9 points (on a 10-point scale), Sunrise also forced a statistical tie against Swisscom for the 5G Reach award, leading to a joint win for both operators.

All Swiss operators share the 5G Games Experience award

After a 1.9-point (2.3%) increase in its 5G Games Experience score, Swisscom caught up with the previous joint winners Salt and Sunrise and forced a three-way statistical tie against them. This led to all of Switzerland’s mobile operators sharing the award. Opensignal’s 5G Games Experience measures how mobile users experience real-time multiplayer mobile gaming on an operator’s 5G network.

Salt and Sunrise remain joint winners of two of our 5G experiential awards

We saw little changes in two of our remaining experiential metrics — 5G Video Experience and 5G Voice App Experience. Both Salt and Sunrise remained locked in statistical ties for both awards. Our users on all Swiss operators’ 5G networks enjoyed Excellent (75 or above) video experiences, meaning fast loading times and almost non-existent stalling. As for the 5G Voice App Experience award, all operators in Switzerland placed in the Good (80-87) category, meaning many users were satisfied, but some experienced minor quality impairments.


In our second 5G Experience Report on Switzerland, Sunrise strengthens its position in the awards table by retaining all of its previously held awards and adding more under its belt. The operator successfully challenged Swisscom, which previously won both of our 5G extent awards outright — 5G Availability and 5G Reach. Sunrise snatched the 5G Availability award from Swisscom, while forcing a statistical tie for 5G Reach. This means Sunrise ended up winning awards in all of the categories, either solely or jointly with other operators.

While Swisscom lost the 5G Availability award to Sunrise, it gained an additional joint crown in a new category. The mobile operator caught up with the previous joint winners Salt and Sunrise and forced a three-way statistical tie against them for the 5G Games Experience award. Speaking of Salt — the operator retained all of its joint wins in our experiential categories - 5G Video Experience, 5G Games Experience and 5G Voice App Experience.

As our 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2021 report showed, Swiss mobile operators are among world leaders when it comes to the quality of their 5G networks. We awarded all three operators — Salt, Sunrise and Swisscom — with the titles of 5G Global Leaders for 5G Upload Speed and 5G Games Experience, while we also recognised Sunrise as a 5G Global Leader for 5G Download Speed and 5G Video Experience. On top of that, we also acknowledged Sunrise as one of the top operators in the world in all four 5G Global Impact categories — Download Speed, Upload Speed, Games Experience and Video Experience. 5G Global Impact assesses the uplift or improvement in mobile experience seen by our users while connected to 5G compared to the previous generation of network technology, 4G.

In this report, we examine the 5G experience of our users on the three main mobile network operators in Switzerland: Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt, over the 90 day period beginning on August 1, 2021, and ending on October 29, 2021, to see how they fared. We have also published a companion report — Switzerland Mobile Network Experience — which analyzes the overall experience of all our mobile users in Switzerland. This our second Swiss 5G report and it has been published in quick succession to align the publication dates of the 5G Experience report and the Switzerland Mobile Network Experience report.

Opensignal Awards Table

5G Mobile Experience Awards Switzerland
November 2021, Switzerland Report
5G Availability
5G Reach
5G Video Experience
5G Games Experience
5G Voice App Experience
5G Download Speed
5G Upload Speed
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Mobile Experience Awards Winners
November 2021, Switzerland
5G Availability
5G Download Speed
5G Upload Speed
Mobile Experience Awards Draws
November 2021, Switzerland
5G Reach
5G Video Experience
5G Games Experience
5G Voice App Experience
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Click on metric labels below for a quick preview
5G Availability
in %
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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National Analysis

5G Availability

Swisscom won our 5G Availability award in our previous report. This time, however, Sunrise saw an impressive increase of 6.8 percentage points in its score, up to 18.2%. As a result, Sunrise wins this award outright, with a 5.5 percentage lead over now second-placed Swisscom. This score means that our 5G users on Sunrise’s network spent 18.2% of their time, on average, connected to 5G. This was 1.4 times more than on Swisscom’s network and nearly 3.2 times more than on Salt’s network, which lagged behind with a score of 5.8%. Both Swisscom and Salt’s 5G Availability scores have not changed statistically insignificant changes in their 5G Availability scores since our previous report.

5G Availability
in %
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Opensignal's 5G Availability compares the amount of time 5G users spent with an active 5G connection. The higher the 5G Availability percentage, the more time users on a network were actually connected to 5G.

5G Reach

5G Reach was another measure of the extent of 5G networks that Swisscom solely claimed in our previous report. However, thanks to a remarkable increase of 1.9 points (58.2%) in Sunrise’s score, it forced a statistical tie against Swisscom for this award. This led to a joint victory for both operators. Salt also saw an increase of 0.6 points, which brought its score up to 2.2 points — 2.9-3.2 points behind both joint winners. This means our users saw 5G in a lower share of locations using Salt’s network compared with its competitors.

5G Reach
in 0-10 points
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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5G Reach represents the proportion of locations where 5G users have connected to 5G out of all the locations those users have visited, on a scale of 0-10. This measure complements our 5G Availability metric which represents the proportion of time 5G users spend connected to 5G.

5G Video Experience

Salt and Sunrise remained locked in a statistical tie for the 5G Video Experience award, which means both are joint winners for the second time in a row. Only 1.7 points on a 100-point scale separated all three operators, as Swisscom improved its score by 2.8 points (3.6%) and crossed the 80 point threshold. All Swiss mobile operators placed in the Excellent (75 or above) category, meaning fast loading times and almost non-existent stalling for our users.

5G Video Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Opensignal’s 5G Video Experience quantifies the quality of video streamed to mobile devices by measuring real-world video streams over an operator's 5G network. The metric is derived from an International Telecommunication Union (ITU)-based approach, built upon detailed studies which have derived a relationship between technical parameters, including picture quality, video loading time and stall rate, with the perceived video experience as reported by real people. To calculate 5G video experience, we are directly measuring video streams from end-user devices and using this ITU-based approach to quantify the overall video experience for each operator on a scale from 0 to 100. The videos tested include a mixture of resolutions and are streamed directly from the world’s largest video content providers.

5G Games Experience

After a 1.9-point (2.3%) increase in its score, Swisscom forced a statistical tie against the previous joint winners Salt and Sunrise in 5G Games Experience. This means all three operators are now crowned as joint winners of the 5G Games Experience award. The small changes in Salt and Sunrise’s scores since our last report are not statistically significant. All three Swiss operators were recognised as 5G Global Leaders for 5G Games Experience in our 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2021 report, which shows that the quality of the Swiss gaming experience is at a world-class level.

5G Games Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Our 5G Games Experience metric measures real-world mobile network conditions to assess the mobile multiplayer games experience perceived by our users on different 5G networks. It analyzes how the multiplayer mobile Games Experience is affected by mobile network conditions including UDP latency, packet loss and jitter. Additionally, it considers multiple genres of multiplayer mobile games — to measure the average sensitivity to network conditions — such as Battle Royale and MOBA games of which PUBG, Fortnite and Arena of Valor are examples.

5G Voice App Experience

Just like in our previous report, Salt and Sunrise found themselves in a statistical tie again and thus share the 5G Voice App Experience award — but this time, with identical scores of 83.2 points. As Swisscom’s score dropped by 0.8 points, the gap between it and both leaders increased to 2.6 points. All Swiss operators placed in the Good category (80-87), meaning many users were satisfied but some may have experienced minor quality impairments.

5G Voice App Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Opensignal's 5G Voice App Experience measures the quality of experience on 5G networks for over-the-top (OTT) voice services — mobile voice apps such as WhatsApp, Skype and Facebook Messenger. — using a model derived from the International ITU-based approach for quantifying overall voice call quality and a series of calibrated technical parameters. This model characterizes the exact relationship between the technical measurements and perceived call quality.

5G Download Speed

Sunrise successfully defended the 5G Download Speed award it won in our first report. Previously, the operator clocked in at average 5G download speeds just one Mbps shy of the 200 Mbps milestone. However, as our users on Sunrise’s networks saw their average 5G download speeds soar by 14.8 Mbps (7.4%) — the most out of all three operators — Sunrise passed the 200 Mbps threshold with a impressive score of 213.8 Mbps. Sunrise is one of our 5G Global Leaders in the 5G Download Speed category, as seen in our 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2021 report.

5G Download Speed
in Mbps
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Salt and Swisscom average 5G speeds increased by 6.4 Mbps and 7.7 Mbps respectively. This helped Sunrise to widen its lead to 42.8 Mbps ahead of second-placed Swisscom and 59.6 Mbps over Salt. With Salt and Swisscom’s average 5G download speeds jumping to 154.3 and 171.1 Mbps respectively, our users on all mobile networks in Switzerland saw their average 5G download speeds exceed 150 Mbps.

5G Upload Speed

Sunrise wins the 5G Upload Speed award for the second report in a row, this time with a score of 38.9 Mbps. However, as Sunrise’s average 5G upload speeds remained statistically unchanged, while our users on Swisscom saw a boost in their average 5G upload speeds of 2.3 Mbps (6.8%), Sunrise’s lead over second-placed Swisscom has more than halved, dropping to 2.5 Mbps.

5G Upload Speed
in Mbps
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Our users on all Swiss mobile operators continue to experience their average 5G upload speeds above the impressive 30 Mbps mark. This is one of the best results in the world, as Opensignal recognised all three Swiss operators as 5G Global Leaders for 5G Upload Speed in our 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2021 report. High upload speeds are crucial for users, they are becoming more vital, as mobile internet trends move away from downloading content to creating content and supporting real-time communications services.

Opensignal measures the real-world experience of consumers on mobile networks in the places they live, work and travel.

We continually adapt our methodology to best represent the true experience of smartphone users. Therefore, comparisons of the results to past reports should be considered indicative only.

For every metric we calculate statistical confidence intervals indicated on our graphs. When confidence intervals overlap, our measured results are too close to declare a winner. In those cases, we show a statistical draw. For this reason, some metrics have multiple winners.

In our bar graphs we represent confidence intervals as boundaries on either sides of graph bars. In our supporting-metric charts we show confidence intervals as +/- numerical values.

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For every metric we calculate statistical confidence intervals indicated on our graphs. When confidence intervals overlap, our measured results are too close to declare a winner. In those cases, we show a statistical draw. For this reason, some metrics have multiple operator winners.

In our bar graphs we represent confidence intervals as boundaries on either sides of graph bars.

In our supporting-metric charts we show confidence intervals as +/- numerical values.

Why confidence intervals are vital in analyzing mobile network experience