Peru, February 2024, Mobile Network Experience
Entel wins eight out of 14 awards either outright or jointly. However, Claro is the first Peruvian operator to win the Coverage Experience award and it has six place finishes in total.
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024
Opensignal sheds light on the difference in the 5G experience seen by our users on different operators across the globe — to better inform users, operators and regulators — and to celebrate the mobile industry’s collective efforts.
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As 4G reach in Latin America improves, so does the consumer experience
OpenSignal recently published its <a href="/reports/2018/02/state-of-lte">State of LTE report</a>, examining 4G speed and 4G reach in 88 countries in the 4th quarter of 2017.
Peru, February 2018, Mobile Networks Update
It's been six months since Opensignal published its State of Mobile Networks report for Peru, but in that short time the country's operators have made considerable progress in their 4G rollouts.
The State of LTE in Latin America
Today OpenSignal released its latest<a href="" target="_blank"> State of LTE report</a>, examining the 4G progress of 77 countries around the world.
Peru, August 2017, State of Mobile Networks
Out of the six categories we measure, Entel won three of them outright -- 4G availability, 3G download speed and 4G latency -- and was tied for first in the remaining three: 4G download speed, overall speed and 3G latency..
Peru, June 2016, State of Mobile Networks
Less than 2 years after starting its LTE rollout, Entel has managed to build an impressive network.