Mobile Network Experience Report Mexico October 2020


Mobile Network Experience Report
October 2020

Opensignal is the independent global standard for analyzing consumer mobile experience. Our industry reports are the definitive guide to understanding the true experience consumers receive on wireless networks.

Sam Fenwick Senior Analyst

Key Findings

Telcel continues to win on Voice App Experience, but scores fall across the board

Since we first started reporting on Voice App Experience in Mexico this time last year, Telcel has been the only operator to win the award for this measure of the mobile experience and this report is no exception to this ‘rule’. However, all three national operators saw their scores decline by between 3.5 and 4.4 points and as a consequence, both Telcel and AT&T have joined Movistar in the Poor (66-74) category, having had Acceptable (74-80) ratings in our previous report.

Our Telcel users average download speeds have risen by 4.3 Mbps

Telcel has two reasons to celebrate as far as Download Speed Experience is concerned. In addition to winning this award for the fifth time in a row, our users on its network saw their average overall download speeds rise by an impressive 4.3 Mbps (18.7%) to reach 27.4 Mbps — a staggering 11.8 Mbps (76.0%) ahead of second-placed Movistar and twice as fast as the 13.7 Mbps seen by our AT&T users.

AT&T continues its winning streak on 4G Availability

AT&T has now racked up its sixth successive win for 4G Availability. The operator’s score was 3.3 percentage points ahead of second-placed Telcel, slightly down from the gap of 3.9 percentage points observed by our users in our previous report. When it comes to 4G Coverage Experience Telcel also still has the edge, as it has held onto this award for two reports in a row. This measure of the mobile experience analyzes the locations where customers of a network operator received a 4G signal relative to the locations visited by users of all network operators.

AT&T nibbles away at Telcel’s lead on Upload Speed Experience

While our Telcel users continue to enjoy the fastest average overall upload speeds in Mexico, they are down 0.3 Mbps from our last report, while those seen by our AT&T users have risen by 0.2 Mbps — as a consequence Telcel’s lead has dropped from 3.3 Mbps (46.6%) to 2.8 Mbps (37.2%), a decline of 0.6 Mbps. However, our Movistar users have seen the largest improvement in their Upload Speed Experience as it has risen by 0.7 Mbps (12.3%) to 6.3 Mbps and 1.1 Mbps below that of their AT&T counterparts.


Telcel continues to hold the lion’s share of our awards, having held onto those for Video Experience, Games Experience, Voice App Experience, Download Speed Experience, Upload Speed Experience and 4G Coverage Experience. The only award that it did not win outright was that for 4G Availability, which continues to be held by AT&T.

Since our previous report, as part of its preparations for 5G Telcel has acquired an additional 50 MHz of 3.5 GHz spectrum, this time from domestic fixed line operator Axtel. This is on top of the 50 MHz that it obtained from its fixed-line sister company Telmex back in January.

Mexico began to lift the restrictions that had been imposed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-May, with similar changes following at the start of June (the beginning of our data collection period for this report). However, given that the number of cases was still high in late September it is likely that behavioural changes among our Mexican users due to the pandemic have influenced our results and these may well have contributed to the declines we have observed in some of our measures of the mobile experience.

In this report, we've analyzed the mobile network experience of Mexico’s three national operators in the 90 days starting June 1, 2020. We We measured the network experience at a national level across seven of our metrics to see how Telcel, Movistar and AT&T performed.

Opensignal Awards Table

Mobile Experience Awards Mexico
October 2020, Mexico Report
Video Experience
Games Experience
Voice App Experience
Download Speed Experience
Upload Speed Experience
4G Availability
4G Coverage Experience
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Mobile Experience Awards Winners
October 2020, Mexico
Video Experience
Games Experience
Voice App Experience
Download Speed Experience
Upload Speed Experience
4G Availability
4G Coverage Experience
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Click on metric labels below for a quick preview
Video Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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National Analysis

Video Experience

Telcel has won the Video Experience award for the fourth time in a row — its score of 71 is unchanged from our previous report. More movement was seen by our Movistar and AT&T users — Movistar’s score fell by 1.1 points (2%), while AT&T’s rose by 2.3 points (4%). Because of these changes, the two operators were no longer tied for second-place with AT&T forming up behind Telcel. Telcel’s lead has declined from the 12.7 points it enjoyed in our last report to a more modest but still remarkable 10.5 points.

Video Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Video Experience
Additional Metrics
in 0-100 points
4G Video Experience
76.6 (± 0.07) 69.3 (± 0.25) 62.5 (± 0.27)
3G Video Experience
49.4 (± 0.34) 33.0 (± 0.63) 48.7 (± 0.80)
+/- numeric values represent confidence intervals.
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Limited
4G Video Experience in 0-100 points
77 (± 0.07)
69 (± 0.25)
62 (± 0.27)
3G Video Experience in 0-100 points
49 (± 0.34)
33 (± 0.63)
49 (± 0.80)
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Inc.

Breaking down the Mexican Video Experience by category, there is no change from our previous report, with Telcel remaining the only operator on which our users observed a Very Good (65-75) Video Experience and both AT&T and Movistar holding onto their Good (55-65) ratings. Looking at our users’ experience broken down by mobile technology generation, our Telcel users enjoyed an Excellent (75 or above) 4G Video Experience. This means that our Telcel users observed a very consistent experience across all video streaming providers and resolutions tested, with fast loading times and almost non-existent stalling, when on its 4G network.

Games Experience

Telcel has won our Games Experience award for the second time in a row, this time with a score of 44.3, 2.9 points ahead of second-placed AT&T. Telcel’s lead has dropped to 2.9 points, down from the 4.7 point lead it enjoyed in our previous report.

Games Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Games Experience
Additional Metrics
in 0-100 points
4G Games Experience
52.3 (± 0.22) 39.4 (± 0.07) 49.6 (± 0.31)
3G Games Experience
35.9 (± 0.07) 32.8 (± 0.13) 32.6 (± 0.16)
+/- numeric values represent confidence intervals.
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Limited
4G Games Experience in 0-100 points
52 (± 0.22)
39 (± 0.07)
50 (± 0.31)
3G Games Experience in 0-100 points
36 (± 0.07)
33 (± 0.13)
33 (± 0.16)
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Inc.

Opensignal’s Games Experience metric is a measure of how mobile users experience real-time multiplayer mobile gaming on an operator’s network. Measured on a scale of 0-100, it analyzes how the multiplayer mobile Games Experience is affected by mobile network conditions including latency, packet loss and jitter to determine the impact on gameplay and the overall multiplayer Games Experience.

The Games Experience metric quantifies the experience when playing real-time multiplayer mobile games on mobile devices connected to servers located around the world. The approach is built on several years of research quantifying the relationship between technical network parameters and the gaming experience as reported by real mobile users. These parameters include latency (round trip time), jitter (variability of latency) and packet loss (the proportion of data packets that never reach their destination). Additionally, it considers multiple genres of multiplayer mobile games to measure the average sensitivity to network conditions. The games tested include some of the most popular real-time multiplayer mobile games (such as Fortnite, Pro Evolution Soccer and Arena of Valor) played around the world.

Voice App Experience

Telcel continues to hold onto the Voice App Experience award, making this the third report in a row in which it has done so. However, both its and AT&T’s scores fell by enough to drop them down a category — from Acceptable (74-80) to Poor (66-74), putting them level with Movistar. A Poor Voice App Experience means that many users were dissatisfied and experienced call quality impairments such as distortion, clicking sounds or silence.

All three operators saw their scores drop by at least 3.5 points, with our Movistar users seeing the largest decline — 4.4 points (6.1%), while our AT&T users saw the smallest drop in in their Voice App Experience, both in absolute and percentage terms.

Voice App Experience
in 0-100 points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Voice App Experience
Additional Metrics
in 0-100 points
4G Voice App Experience
75.1 (± 0.09) 72.0 (± 0.19) 74.0 (± 0.15)
3G Voice App Experience
65.4 (± 0.18) 59.5 (± 0.28) 59.7 (± 0.39)
+/- numeric values represent confidence intervals.
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Limited
4G Voice App Experience in 0-100 points
75 (± 0.09)
72 (± 0.19)
74 (± 0.15)
3G Voice App Experience in 0-100 points
65 (± 0.18)
59 (± 0.28)
60 (± 0.39)
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Inc.

Turning to 4G Voice App Experience, in our previous report, our users observed an Acceptable (74-80) experience on all three networks but this time round, our Movistar users saw their 4G Voice App Experience drop down to a Poor (66-74) rating.

Download Speed Experience

Our users across all three of Mexico’s national operators have observed significant increases in their average overall download speeds since our last report. Our Telcel users saw by far the largest increase — 4.3 Mbps (18.7%) — while their counterparts on Movistar and AT&T saw improvements of 1.5 Mbps (10.6%) and 1.4 Mbps (11.5%), respectively. Because of the impressive uptick in Telcel’s Download Speed Experience score, the gap between it and second-placed Movistar has widened from the 9 Mbps (64%) our users observed in our previous report to 11.8 Mbps (76%).

Download Speed Experience
in Mbps
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Download Speed Experience
Additional Metrics
in Mbps
4G Download Speed
33.2 (± 0.10) 22.0 (± 0.14) 15.1 (± 0.11)
3G Download Speed
5.3 (± 0.04) 2.9 (± 0.04) 5.0 (± 0.10)
+/- numeric values represent confidence intervals.
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Limited
4G Download Speed in Mbps
33 (± 0.10)
22 (± 0.14)
15 (± 0.11)
3G Download Speed in Mbps
5 (± 0.04)
3 (± 0.04)
5 (± 0.10)
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Inc.

Turning to our submetrics — 4G Download Speed and 3G Download Speed, Telcel has broken past the 30 Mbps mark for 4G Download Speed. Its score for this measure of the mobile experience rose by an impressive 5.1 Mbps (18.3%) to average 33.2 Mbps.

Upload Speed Experience

In sharp contrast to our previous report when our Telcel users reported an impressive 21.4% increase in their average overall upload speeds, this time round they declined by 3.2% (0.3 Mbps), while their Movistar and AT&T counterparts saw their Upload Speed Experience scores rise by 0.7 Mbps (12.3%) and 0.2 Mbps (3.3%), respectively. Because of these changes, Telcel’s lead over second-placed AT&T has dropped from 3.3 Mbps (46.6%) to 2.8 Mbps (37.2%), a decline of 0.6 Mbps.

Upload Speed Experience
in Mbps
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Upload Speed Experience
Additional Metrics
in Mbps
4G Upload Speed
12.5 (± 0.05) 9.0 (± 0.08) 8.4 (± 0.07)
3G Upload Speed
1.4 (± 0.02) 1.0 (± 0.02) 1.2 (± 0.03)
+/- numeric values represent confidence intervals.
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Limited
4G Upload Speed in Mbps
12 (± 0.05)
9 (± 0.08)
8 (± 0.07)
3G Upload Speed in Mbps
1 (± 0.02)
1 (± 0.02)
1 (± 0.03)
Mobile Network Experience Report | October 2020 | © Opensignal Inc.

When we break our users average upload speeds down by mobile technology generation, it’s interesting to see that Movistar’s 4G Upload Speed score has overtaken that of AT&T by 0.6 Mbps. However, as might be expected given the overall results, our Telcel users observed the fastest 4G Upload and 3G Upload speeds in Mexico.

4G Availability

Our AT&T and Telcel users have observed small declines in the proportion of time they spent connected to 4G — the operators’ 4G Availability scores have fallen by 1.9 and 1.3 percentage points since our last report, respectively. As a consequence, AT&T’s score has fallen below the 90% mark, Telcel’s score has dropped below 85% and AT&T’s lead over second-placed Telcel has dropped by 0.6 percentage points to 3.3 percentage points. Meanwhile, our Movistar users saw the proportion of time they spent connected to 4G rise by 0.1 of a percentage point and the operator’s score remains just under the 80% mark.

4G Availability
% of time
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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4G Coverage Experience

Telcel has won the 4G Coverage Experience award for the second time in a row, this time with a score of 7.3 points out of 10 — up 0.2 points from our last report. Our AT&T users observed smaller improvements in their 4G Coverage Experience and as a consequence, Telcel’s lead in this measure of the mobile experience has grown by 0.2 points to 1.7 points.

4G Coverage Experience
in 0-10 points
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The brackets represent confidence intervals.
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Our 4G Coverage Experience metric measures how mobile subscribers experience 4G coverage on an operator’s network. Measured on a scale of 0-10, it analyzes the locations where customers of a network operator received a 4G signal relative to the locations visited by users of all network operators.

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Opensignal measures the real-world experience of consumers on mobile networks in the places they live, work and travel.

We continually adapt our methodology to best represent the true experience of smartphone users. Therefore, comparisons of the results to past reports should be considered indicative only.

For every metric we calculate statistical confidence intervals indicated on our graphs. When confidence intervals overlap, our measured results are too close to declare a winner. In those cases, we show a statistical draw. For this reason, some metrics have multiple winners.

In our bar graphs we represent confidence intervals as boundaries on either sides of graph bars. In our supporting-metric charts we show confidence intervals as +/- numerical values.

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For every metric we calculate statistical confidence intervals indicated on our graphs. When confidence intervals overlap, our measured results are too close to declare a winner. In those cases, we show a statistical draw. For this reason, some metrics have multiple operator winners.

In our bar graphs we represent confidence intervals as boundaries on either sides of graph bars.

In our supporting-metric charts we show confidence intervals as +/- numerical values.

Why confidence intervals are vital in analyzing mobile network experience