In our regional breakdown, we compared 16 of Indonesia’s largest cities in our five primary metrics. There were not many surprises as the award holders in local results largely mirrored national results, though we did spot some interesting trends. Telkomsel commanded our regional Download Speed Experience category by winning each award in every city in our analysis. Our users on Telkomsel's network in Pekanbaru recorded the highest individual Download Speed Experience score of this report: 14.9 Mbps.
In our Upload Speed Experience category, the majority of the regional awards also went to Telkomsel. We noticed XL improved its position in this metric by winning or drawing in four out of 16 Indonesian cities: it came top in Batam and Makassar, and it tied with Telkomsel in Bandar Lampung and with Indosat in Surabaya. The highest individual scores we recorded in the Upload Speed Experience were in Medan and Penkanbaru, both on Telkomsel’s network.
Our regional Latency and Video Experience award categories were also dominated by Telkomsel. It won our Latency Experience prize in every city. In our Video Experience category, it won in 15 out of Indonesia’s 16 largest cities, in every case earning a Good Rating (55-65 points on a scale of 100). Batam was the only exception, where XL won with a Fair Rating (40-55). That means the Video Experience was noticeably better for our urban users on Telkomsel's network.
In 4G Availability, Smartfren dominated our charts in each of the cities. Our users on Smartfren’s network connected to 4G services at least 96% of the time in almost every city, with the only exception being Bandar Lampung, where it tied with 3 for first place.
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