Austria, April 2024, Mobile Network Experience
Opensignal looks at mobile network experience in Austria among users of 3, A1 and Magenta
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024
Opensignal sheds light on the difference in the 5G experience seen by our users on different operators across the globe — to better inform users, operators and regulators — and to celebrate the mobile industry’s collective efforts.
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In the second 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards report, Opensignal once again directly compares operators from around the world to recognize those on which our users had the best 5G experience.
Sizing the satellite connectivity opportunity for smartphones
Satellite connectivity is coming to smartphones, Apple is adding Emergency SoS using satellites to the iPhone 14 range. Now, Opensignal has analyzed over 100 global markets to understand the extent of the cellular “no signal” problem that mobile users face.
Users in Austria see a better 5G experience in urban areas than in rural ones
In our latest analysis, we compared the network experience of our Austrian smartphone users when they connected to mobile data services in urban and rural areas. Our study shows that users in Austria’s urban areas had significantly better mobile network experience than those in rural areas. They enjoyed faster download speeds, while also remaining connected to mobile networks for a higher amount of time.
Our users in DACH markets enjoy a superior mobile network experience on 5G than on 4G
In this new analysis, Opensignal looked at our users’ 5G mobile network experience in DACH markets — Austria, Germany and Switzerland — across eight metrics. We observed a substantial 4G to 5G uplift across all three markets in the speed and experiential metrics.
Benchmarking the Global 5G Experience — June 2022
In this latest definitive analysis of 5G worldwide leaders, there are many new entrants in the top 15 markets across different measures of 5G mobile network experience compared with the last 5G benchmark.
Österreich, April 2022, Erlebnis der Mobilfunknetze
Von den insgesamt 15 Auszeichnungen in diesem Bericht gewinnt A1 fünf direkt und vier gemeinsam mit anderen Betreibern, darunter beide Auszeichnungen für die Gesamtgeschwindigkeit und beide für die konsistente Qualität. Magenta erhöht die Ausbeute mit vier Gesamtsiegen und fünf gemeinsamen Siegen. 3 holt sich den einzigen Gesamtsieg bei der 5G-Download-Geschwindigkeit mit einem beeindruckenden Vorsprung von über 100 MB/s vor seinen Mitbewerbern.
Austria, April 2022, Mobile Network Experience
Across 15 awards available for grabs, A1 wins five of them outright and four jointly — including both overall speed and both Consistent Quality awards. Magenta completes its haul with four outright and five joint wins. 3 claims its only outright win in 5G Download Speed, commanding an impressive lead of over 100 Mbps over its competitors and jointly wins five awards.