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AT&T looks to content as Verizon signals a shift to 5G

Posted: Jun 18, 2018

The approval of AT&T's acquisition of Time Warner signals big changes in the US telecoms market. AT&T gains access to Time Warner's huge content library, including TV and movie giants HBO, CNN, TBS, TNT and Warner Bros. This content will undoubtedly boost AT&T's bundled offering, and the operator has indicated it could find its way to mobile screens via its DirecTV Now mobile app. Look out for 20-minute Game of Thrones mobile episodes on a device near you.

T-Mobile and Sprint's network future in 3 easy steps

Posted: May 16, 2018

Now that Sprint and T-Mobile's proposed merger is up and running again, the two operators are revealing many more details about what their combined networks would look like. Even before the merger is finalized, they're embarking upon a roaming deal that would give Sprint customers access to T-Mobile's far-reaching and speedy LTE network. Once — and if — the deal closes, Sprint's CDMA technology will go the way of the dodo. And in the longer term, T-Mobile and Sprint plan to combine spectrum resources to build a formidable 5G network.

Time spent on Wifi in the US falls as users move to unlimited plans

Posted: Apr 19, 2018

Over the past year or so, unlimited data has really taken off in the U.S., with all four of the big players launching competitive plans to try to get a bigger piece of the market. But just because consumers are eating up more data via cellular, it doesn't mean they've stopped using Wifi – although we're seeing signs they're moderating their usage. It's been a year since our first look at the time U.S. consumers spent connected to Wifi, versus using data via their cellular networks.

Analyzing the impact of unlimited data in the US

Posted: Aug 02, 2017

Last week OpenSignal unveiled a new experimental metric called average peak speed, which is designed to gauge a network’s full data connection capabilities under optimal conditions. We kicked off our analysis of peak speed with a look at India’s four nationwide LTE operators, but in conjunction with OpenSignal’s State of Mobile Networks: USA report, released today, we’re applying our peak speed metric to the U.S. big four.