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Costa Rica

Opensignal reports and analyses are the definitive guide to understanding the true experience consumers receive on wireless networks.

Los reportes y análisis de Opensignal son la guía definitiva para entender la verdadera experiencia que los consumidores reciben en las redes inalámbricas
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Costa Rica, Diciembre de 2023, Experiencia de Redes Móviles

By Hardik Khatri, December 2023

En este reporte de Opensignal sobre la experiencia de red móvil en Costa Rica, Claro vuelve a ganar los cinco premios de experiencia general, mientras que Kölbi se lleva los premios de Experiencia de cobertura y Disponibilidad.

Costa Rica, December 2023, Mobile Network Experience

By Hardik Khatri, December 2023

In this Opensignal report on the mobile network experience in Costa Rica, Claro remains top for all five overall experience awards, while Kölbi takes home Coverage Experience and Availability.

Canada struggles in the global 5G race due to insufficient mid-band spectrum

By Robert Wyrzykowski, November 2023

In this new analysis, Opensignal investigates the impact of spectrum bandwidth on the 5G mobile network experience of our Canadian smartphone users, compared to that of users in other OECD markets.

Costa Rica, Junio 2023, Experiencia de Redes Móviles

By Hardik Khatri, June 2023

En el último análisis de Opensignal sobre la experiencia de red móvil en Costa Rica, Claro ha vuelto a emerger como líder, ganando los cinco premios a la experiencia general por segundo reporte consecutivo.

Costa Rica, Mobile Network Experience, June 2023

By Hardik Khatri, June 2023

In Opensignal's latest analysis of the mobile network experience in Costa Rica, Claro has once again emerged as the leader, winning all five overall experience awards for the second consecutive report.

The Live Video Experience in Mobile Sports, News and Game Streaming

By Robert Wyrzykowski, February 2023

In an industry first, Opensignal examines the Live Video Experience of mobile users across more than 100 global markets.

Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2023

By Sam Fenwick, February 2023

In the fourth Global Mobile Network Experience Awards report, Opensignal once again directly compares operators from around the world to recognize those on which our users had the best mobile experience. We have added two more measures of the mobile experience: Excellent Consistent Quality and Core Consistent Quality.