Taiwan, December 2024, Mobile Network Experience
Chunghwa is the most awarded operator. Chunghwa wins 10 awards outright and shares victory in an additional four awards. Taiwan Mobile follows with three shared awards and is the sole winner for Consistent Quality.
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024
Opensignal sheds light on the difference in the 5G experience seen by our users on different operators across the globe — to better inform users, operators and regulators — and to celebrate the mobile industry’s collective efforts.
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Broadband Reliability Experience across six markets
Opensignal how the largest internet service providers (ISPs) in six selected markets across Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas fare nationally in terms of Broadband Reliability Experience.
Taiwan, June 2024, Mobile Network Experience
Chunghwa dominates the awards table with 11 outright and three shared wins across the board, including all awards in the 5G Experience section, both overall speed awards and both Coverage Experience awards.
Taiwan, June 2024, Fixed Broadband Experience
Homeplus dominates the fixed broadband experience awards table in Taiwan, with two outright wins and two joint wins. It comes first for Download Speed and Consistent Quality. Meanwhile, Chunghwa Telecom is the sole winner for Upload Speed.
行動網路體驗:台灣, 2024年6月
台灣固網寬頻體驗, 2024年6月
In the fifth Global Mobile Network Experience Awards report, Opensignal once again compares operators from around the world to recognize those on which our users had the best overall experience.
Mobile network speeds leaped ahead in 2023, but some markets lag behind
Here we review the progression of mobile network user experience that took place over 2023. By examining the Download Speed Experience during the year-end three-month periods of both 2022 and 2023, we have identified a clear positive trend in network performance across the regions of Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the Asia Pacific, which have exacerbated the experience gap seen between markets that existed before.