Opensignal is the independent global standard for analyzing consumers' connectivity experiences. Our industry reports are the definitive guide to understanding what happens when people use their mobile and broadband connections in their daily life.
Opensignal is the independent global standard for analyzing consumers' connectivity experiences. Our industry reports are the definitive guide to understanding what happens when people use their mobile and broadband connections in their daily life.
A1 defends the Download Speed Experience award with a score of 50.1Mbps — 9.2-9.5Mbps ahead of 3 and Magenta which are in a statistical tie for second place. Our users on 3’s and Magenta’s networks observed boosts in speeds of 2Mbps and 5.5Mbps respectively over the previous report, while A1’s score remains statistically unchanged.
3 retains the 5G Download Speed award — its only sole victory — and claims the award for the fourth time in a row, remaining the only winner of this award since Opensignal introduced it in November 2021. Our users on 3’s network enjoy average 5G download speeds clocking in at 240.8Mbps. The operator widens its winning margin over second-placed Magenta to 87.3Mbps (56.8%), due to a spectacular increase of 30Mbps — while A1 and Magenta’s scores are statistically unchanged.
Since the last report, one award has changed hands, as Magenta pulls ahead of A1 for Upload Speed Experience and claims the award outright. Magenta wins with a score of 13Mbps, thanks to a sizable increase of 2.8Mbps (27.3%), while A1’s score remains statistically unchanged. Magenta now holds both awards for upload speeds, as it retains 5G Upload Speed Experience, with a score of 31.3Mbps — the only operator in Austria to exceed the 30Mbps mark.
A1 takes home both Opensignal consistency awards for the third consecutive time in Opensignal mobile experience reports. A1 wins Excellent Consistent Quality (HD video, group video conference calls, and gaming) with a score of 89.9% and Core Consistent Quality (lower performance applications including SD video, voice calls, and web browsing) — with a score of 94.8%. It increases its lead over second-placed 3 for Excellent Consistent Quality award from 3.9 to 5.1 percentage points.
Magenta wins Availability outright for the third time in a row. Our users on this network spend 98.6% of the time connected to either a 3G, 4G, or 5G signal — around 0.7 percentage points ahead of 3 and A1 which are statistically tied for second place. Looking at other coverage awards, both A1 and Magenta remain locked in statistical ties as joint winners for 5G Availability and 5G Reach.
In Opensignal's current Austria Mobile Network Experience report, A1 is the most awarded network, as it remains the sole winner of four awards — Video Experience, Download Speed Experience and both consistency awards — and wins seven more jointly.
Magenta wins three awards outright — it retains 5G Upload Speed and Availability, while also seizing Upload Speed Experience. However, Magenta is no longer the outright winner for Games Experience and Voice App Experience, as A1 jumps onto the winners’ podium for both. A1 and Magenta jointly win seven awards, including 5G Video Experience and 5G Voice App Experience where we observe three-way statistical ties with 3. On top of these two shared victories, 3 remains unmatched for 5G Download Speed, as it secures this award for the fourth time in a row.
Austrian operators continue to develop 5G standalone access (SA) networks. 3 announced the commercial launch of SA services on all of its existing sites, initially covering 1.3 million homes and businesses. Meanwhile, A1 has been testing three component carrier aggregation with Nokia in a SA trial network — and reached peak download speed of 2Gbps with 160MHz of spectrum bandwidth, using two mid-band carriers in the 3.5GHz band and one carrier in the 2100MHz band.
In this report, we have analyzed the mobile network experience for Austria's three operators — 3, A1, and Magenta — over the 90 days starting December 1, 2022, and ending February 28, 2023, to see how they fared.
A1 takes home Video Experience once again, with a score of 72 points on a 100-point scale — beating 3 and Magenta by 2.0-2.3 points, which are statistically tied for second place. All Austrian operators place in the Very Good (68-78) category, meaning our users are, on average, able to stream video at 1080p or better with satisfactory loading times and little stalling.
Our 5G users see no statistically significant difference between Austrian operators when it comes to the overall Video Experience. 3, A1, and Magenta are in a statistical tie for Video Experience — 5G Users, with scores of 71.5-73.4 points.
Video Experience scores account for adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR), a technology that allows Opensignal to accurately represent users’ real video experience including video streams up to 4K quality.
Opensignal’s Video Experience quantifies the quality of video streamed to mobile devices by measuring real-world video streams over an operator's networks. The metric is based on an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approach, built upon detailed studies which have derived a relationship between technical parameters, including picture quality, video loading time and stall rate, with the perceived video experience as reported by real people. To calculate video experience, we are directly measuring video streams from end-user devices and using this ITU approach to quantify the overall video experience for each operator on a scale from 0 to 100. The videos tested include a mixture of resolutions — including Full HD (FHD) and 4K / Ultra HD (UHD) — and are streamed directly from the world’s largest video content providers.
In addition to Video Experience, we report on the following metrics related to video experience:
Due to an increase in its score of 5.7 points, A1 jumps on the winners’ podium for Games Experience and shares the award with the previous outright winner Magenta, with statistically tied scores in the 76.6-77.5 points range on a 100-point scale. 3 comes third, with a score of 72.9 points. The other two Austrian operators also see their scores rise since the last report — 3 gained 4.2 points, while Magenta — three points.
Thanks to improvements in their scores, A1 and Magenta move from the Fair (65-75) to the Good (75-85) category — most users deem the gaming experience acceptable and do not experience a delay between their actions and the game. Meanwhile, 3 remains in the Fair category.
Opensignal’s Games Experience measures how mobile users experience real-time multiplayer mobile gaming on an operator’s network. Measured on a scale of 0-100, it analyzes how our users’ multiplayer mobile gaming experience is affected by mobile network conditions including latency, packet loss and jitter.
Games Experience quantifies the experience when playing real-time multiplayer mobile games on mobile devices connected to servers located around the world. The approach is built on several years of research quantifying the relationship between technical network parameters and the gaming experience as reported by real mobile users. These parameters include latency (round trip time), jitter (variability of latency) and packet loss (the proportion of data packets that never reach their destination). Additionally, it considers multiple genres of multiplayer mobile games to measure the average sensitivity to network conditions. The games tested include some of the most popular real-time multiplayer mobile games (such as Fortnite, Pro Evolution Soccer and Arena of Valor) played around the world.
Calculating Games Experience starts with measuring the end-to-end experience from users’ devices to internet end-points that host real games. The score is then measured on a scale from 0 to 100.
In addition to Games Experience, we report on the following metrics related to games experience:
Similar to Games Experience, Magenta is no longer the outright winner for Voice App Experience, as A1 forces a statistical tie against its rival. Both operators are now joint winners, with scores of 79.4-79.9 points on a 100-point scale. 3 brings up the rear with a score of 78.8 points. All operators observe increases in their scores, ranging from two points for Magenta to 2.7 points for A1.
3, A1 and Magenta retain Acceptable (74-80) ratings for Voice App Experience. This means some users are satisfied but others experience perceptible call quality impairments or hear clicking sounds of short duration or distortion. However, due to improvements in their scores, all Austrian operators are very close to moving to the higher category — Good (80-87). A1 and Magenta are only 0.1-0.6 points short of this rating, while 3 — 1.2 points.
Opensignal's Voice App Experience measures the quality of experience for over-the-top (OTT) voice services — mobile voice apps such as WhatsApp, Skype and Facebook Messenger — using a model derived from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approach for quantifying overall voice call quality and a series of calibrated technical parameters. This model characterizes the exact relationship between the technical measurements and perceived call quality. Voice App Experience for each operator is calculated on a scale from 0 to 100.
In addition to Voice App Experience, we report on the following metrics related to voice app experience:
A1 retains the Download Speed Experience award with a score of 50.1 Mbps. 3 and Magenta take second place together after a statistical tie, 9.2-9.5Mbps behind the winner. Our users on 3 and Magenta’s networks see increases in speeds over the previous report of 2Mbps and 5.5Mbps respectively — meanwhile, A1’s score remains statistically unchanged.
Turning to Download Speed Experience — 5G Users, our 5G users in Austria enjoy the fastest average overall download speeds on 3 and A1’s networks, as the operators are in a statistical tie with scores of 70.6-73.2Mbps. Magenta trails behind with a score of 67.4Mbps. Our 5G users on 3’s network see the highest uplift in the market, of 73.6%, compared to the overall experience of all our users — ahead of Magenta (64.8%) and A1 (46%).
Measured in Mbps, Download Speed Experience represents the typical everyday speeds a user experiences across an operator’s mobile data networks.
In addition to Download Speed Experience, we report on the following metrics related to download speeds:
Magenta seizes the Upload Speed Experience award. The operator wins with a score of 13Mbps, thanks to a sizable increase of 2.8Mbps (27.3%), while A1’s score remains statistically unchanged. 3 comes third with a score of 10.4Mbps — the operator passes the 10Mbps milestone in upload speeds thanks to a boost of 0.4Mbps.
Looking at Upload Speed Experience — 5G Users, Austria’s operators have the same ranks as they do for the overall Upload Speed Experience. Magenta has the highest score of 15.9Mbps, followed by A1’s 13.7Mbps and 3’s 11.3Mbps. Compared to the experience of all users on their respective networks, 5G users observe the highest uplift on Magenta’s network, of 21.9%. Meanwhile, improvements on 3 and A1’s networks are slightly smaller — 9.4% and 10.9%, respectively.
Upload Speed Experience measures the average upload speeds for each operator observed by our users across their mobile data networks. Typically upload speeds are slower than download speeds, as current mobile broadband technologies focus resources on providing the best possible download speed for users consuming content on their devices. As mobile internet trends move away from downloading content to creating content and supporting real-time communications services, upload speeds are becoming more vital and new technologies are emerging that boost upstream capacity.
In addition to Upload Speed Experience, we report on five supporting metrics related to upload speeds:
After slipping off the winners’ podium in the previous report, 3 climbs back on it and shares 5G Video Experience with A1 and Magenta. With nearly identical scores of 77.8-77.9 points on a 100-point scale, all Austrian operators rate as Very Good (68-78) — but only 0.1-0.2 points short of the Excellent category (78 or above). A Very Good rating means our users are, on average, able to stream video at 1080p or better with satisfactory loading times and little stalling.
Compared to their Video Experience results, Austria’s operators’ 5G Video Experience scores are higher— ranging from 5.9 points for A1 to 7.8 and 8.1 points for Magenta and 3, respectively.
Video Experience scores account for adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR), a technology that allows Opensignal to accurately represent users’ real video experience including video streams up to 4K quality.
5G Video Experience quantifies the quality of mobile video experienced by Opensignal users on real-world video streams when they were connected to 5G. The metric is based on an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approach, built upon detailed studies which have derived a relationship between technical parameters, including picture quality, video loading time and stall rate, with the perceived video experience as reported by real people. To calculate 5G Video Experience, we are directly measuring video streams from end-user devices and using this ITU approach to quantify the video experience observed by our users on each operator’s 5G network on a scale from 0 to 100. The videos tested include a mixture of resolutions — including Full HD (FHD) and 4K / Ultra HD (UHD) — and are streamed directly from the world’s largest video content providers.
A1 and Magenta remain locked in a statistical tie for 5G Games Experience, with scores of83.1-86.1 points on a 100-point scale. 3 brings up the rear with a score of 80.8 points — but its score has increased by 6.8 points, compared to the previous report.
Compared to Games Experience scores, our Magenta users see the highest improvement for 5G Games Experience of 8.6 points — followed by 3 (7.9 points) and A1 (6.5 points).
5G Games Experience measures how mobile users experience real-time multiplayer mobile gaming on an operator's 5G network. It analyzes how our users’ multiplayer mobile gaming experience was affected by mobile network conditions including latency, packet loss and jitter. 5G Games Experience for each operator is calculated on a scale from 0 to 100.
5G Games Experience quantifies the experience when playing real-time multiplayer mobile games on mobile devices connected to servers located around the world. The approach is built on several years of research quantifying the relationship between technical network parameters and the gaming experience as reported by real mobile users. These parameters include latency (round trip time), jitter (variability of latency) and packet loss (the proportion of data packets that never reach their destination). Additionally, it considers multiple genres of multiplayer mobile games to measure the average sensitivity to network conditions. The games tested include some of the most popular real-time multiplayer mobile games (such as Fortnite, Pro Evolution Soccer and Arena of Valor) played around the world. Calculating 5G Games Experience starts with measuring the end-to-end experience from users’ devices to internet end-points that host real games.
We observe a three-way statistical tie for the Voice App Experience award — up from a two-way tie seen in the last report. Thanks to an increase in its score of 3.2 points, 3 regains the title of a joint winner for 5G Voice App Experience, after losing it in the previous report. Meanwhile, A1 and Magenta’s scores remain statistically unchanged.
All operators rate as Good (80-87) — placing in a category higher than for Voice App Experience — which is Acceptable (74-80). A Good rating means many users are satisfied. but some experience minor quality impairments. Sometimes the background is not quite clear, it may be either hazy or not loud enough.
5G Voice App Experience quantifies the experience of Opensignal users when using over-the-top voice apps — such as WhatsApp, Skype and Facebook Messenger — on an operator’s 5G network. It uses a model derived from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approach for quantifying overall voice call quality and a series of calibrated technical parameters. This model characterizes the exact relationship between the technical measurements and perceived call quality. 5G Voice App Experience for each operator is calculated on a scale from 0 to 100.
3 wins only one award outright this time around, as it secures 5G Download Speed for the fourth consecutive time— remaining its only holder since Opensignal introduced the award in November 2021. Our 3 users enjoy average 5G download speeds clocking in at 240.8Mbps. Magenta is the runner-up with a score of 153.5Mbps, while A1 comes third with a score of 129.9Mbps. 3 widens its winning margin over second-placed Magenta to 87.3Mbps (56.8%), thanks to a spectacular increase of 30Mbps. Meanwhile, A1 and Magenta see no statistically significant changes in their scores.
All Austrian operators observe impressive 5G to overall uplifts. Our users on 3’s network see 5.9 times faster average download speeds when connected to 5G, compared to their overall Download Speed Experience, while Magenta and A1 users observe 3.8 and 2.6 times faster speeds, respectively.
5G Download Speed shows the average download speed experienced by Opensignal users across an operator’s 5G network. 5G Download Speed for each operator is calculated in Mbps (Megabits per second).
Magenta remains the sole winner of 5G Upload Speed Experience, with a score of 31.3Mbps. It is the only operator in Austria to exceed the 30Mbps mark this time around. However, 3 is catching up with the leader, as our 5G users on this network observed an increase in average 5G upload speeds of 5.7Mbps (25.2%) — while both A1 and Magenta’s scores remain statistically unchanged. As a result, Magenta commands a lead of 3Mbps over second-placed 3, while A1 brings up the rear with a score of 23.7Mbps.
Compared to Upload Speed Experience results, 3 users observe the highest uplift in 5G Upload Speed scores, of 2.7 times — followed by those on Magenta (2.4 times) and our A1 users (1.9 times).
5G Upload Speed measures the average upload speeds experienced by Opensignal users across an operator’s 5G network. 5G Upload Speed for each operator is calculated in Mbps (Megabits per second).
Magenta wins Availability outright for the third time in a row. Our users on this network spent 98.6% of the time connected to either a 3G, 4G, or 5G signal — around 0.7 percentage points ahead of 3 and A1 which were statistically tied for second place.
Our availability metrics are not a measure of a network’s geographical extent. They won’t tell you whether you are likely to get a signal if you plan to visit a remote rural or nearly uninhabited region. Instead, they measure what proportion of time people have a network connection, in the places they most commonly frequent — something often missed by traditional coverage metrics. Looking at when users have a connection rather than where, provides us with a more precise reflection of the true user experience.
We also keep track of the instances that leave mobile users most frustrated: when there is no signal to connect to at all. The most common dead zones users struggle with occur indoors. As most of our availability data is collected indoors (as that’s where users spend most of their time), we’re particularly astute at detecting areas of zero signal.
Our availability metrics take a user-centric, time-based approach that complements the user-centric and geographical-based methodology used by our reach metrics.
Availability shows the proportion of time all Opensignal users on an operator’s network had either a 3G, 4G or 5G connection.
The coverage maps show the locations where we received measurements from users connecting with 3G or better mobile service. Each map provides an indication of the areas in which it is possible to obtain mobile service from that mobile operator.
A1 and Magenta remain locked in statistical ties as joint winners for 5G Availability, with scores of 17.0-17.2%. This means our 5G users connect to 5G services for at least 17% of the time on these networks. With a score of 11.3%, 3 lags behind the joint winners, losing by around 5.8 percentage points.
Our availability metrics are not a measure of a network’s geographical extent. They won’t tell you whether you are likely to get a signal if you plan to visit a remote rural or nearly uninhabited region. Instead, they measure what proportion of time people have a network connection, in the places they most commonly frequent — something often missed by traditional coverage metrics. Looking at when users have a connection rather than where, provides us with a more precise reflection of the true user experience.
We also keep track of the instances that leave mobile users most frustrated: when there is no signal to connect to at all. The most common dead zones users struggle with occur indoors. As most of our availability data is collected indoors (as that’s where users spend most of their time), we’re particularly astute at detecting areas of zero signal.
Our availability metrics take a user-centric, time-based approach that complements the user-centric and geographical-based methodology used by our reach metrics.
5G Availability shows the proportion of time Opensignal users with a 5G device and a 5G subscription had an active 5G connection.
The coverage maps show the locations where we received measurements from users connecting with 3G or better mobile service. Each map provides an indication of the areas in which it is possible to obtain mobile service from that mobile operator.
A1 and Magenta are again joint winners for 5G Reach, with scores of 4.8-4.9 points on a 10-point scale. This means our users connect to a 5G network in almost five out of 10 locations they visit on these networks. 3 brings up the rear with a score of 2.9 points — around 1.9 points behind A1 and Magenta.
5G Reach measures how users experience the geographical extent of an operator’s 5G network. It analyzes the average proportion of locations where users were connected to a 5G network out of all the locations those users have visited. In simple terms, 5G Reach measures the 5G mobile experience in all the locations that matter most to everyday users – i.e. all the places where they live, work and travel. 5G Reach for each operator is measured on a scale from 0 to 10.
The coverage maps show the locations where we received measurements from users connecting with 3G or better mobile service. Each map provides an indication of the areas in which it is possible to obtain mobile service from that mobile operator.
A1 triumphs in Excellent Consistent Quality for the third time in a row in Opensignal mobile network experience reports, with a score of 89.9%. It increases its lead over second-placed 3 for the Excellent Consistent Quality award from 3.9 to 5.1 percentage points. All operators observe improvements in their scores — 3’s score improved by 1.2 percentage points, while A1’s by 2.4 percentage points. However, it is Magenta that sees the highest improvement in its score, of six percentage points. As a result, the operator narrowed its gap to second-placed 3 from 5.2 to only 0.4 percentage points.
Consistent Quality measures how often users’ experience on a network was sufficient to support common applications’ requirements. It measures download speed, upload speed, latency, jitter, packet loss, time to first byte and the percentage of tests attempted which did not succeed due to a connectivity issue on either the download or server response component.
Full details on how the Consistent Quality metrics — Excellent Consistent Quality and Core Consistent Quality — are calculated can be found here.
Excellent Consistent Quality is the percentage of users’ tests that met the minimum recommended performance thresholds to watch HD video, complete group video conference calls and play games.
A1 takes home Core Consistent Quality for the third consecutive time in Opensignal mobile network experience reports, with a score of 94.8%. All three operator’s scores have increased since the last report— 3’s by 0.9 percentage points and A1’s by 1.5 percentage points. Magenta’s score improved the most, rising by six percentage points. Consequently, it pulls ahead of 3 and is now in second place with a score of 93.4% — only 1.4 percentage points behind the outright winner A1.
Consistent Quality measures how often users’ experience on a network was sufficient to support common applications’ requirements. It measures download speed, upload speed, latency, jitter, packet loss, time to first byte and the percentage of tests attempted which did not succeed due to a connectivity issue on either the download or server response component.
Full details on how the Consistent Quality metrics — Excellent Consistent Quality and Core Consistent Quality — are calculated can be found here.
Core Consistent Quality is the percentage of users’ tests that met the minimum recommended performance thresholds for lower performance applications including SD video, voice calls and web browsing.
Collecting billions of individual measurements daily from over 100 million devices globally, Opensignal independently analyzes mobile and broadband user experience on every major network operator around the globe.
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For every metric we calculate statistical confidence intervals indicated on our graphs. When confidence intervals overlap, our measured results are too close to declare a winner. In those cases, we show a statistical draw. For this reason, some metrics have multiple operator winners.
In our bar graphs we represent confidence intervals as boundaries on either sides of graph bars.
In our supporting-metric charts we show confidence intervals as +/- numerical values.
Why confidence intervals are vital in analyzing mobile network experience