For this report, we have expanded our regional analysis to include the large cities of Mendoza, Tucumán and Salta. At a glance, the regional awards mirror the national experience, as Video, Download and Upload Speed Experience are dominated by Personal, while Voice App Experience is claimed by Claro.
4G Availability scores were fairly similar across these cities, with Personal being the only operator to cross the 90% mark in Mendoza and Tucumán. But that’s not where the commonalities end. The awards tables for Mendoza and Rosario, for example, look almost identical, with Personal winning all awards save for Voice App Experience which went to Claro, and Latency Experience which changes hands between the two. And with the exception of the tie for 4G Availability between Movistar and Personal, Córdoba’s awards are also the same. However, in Tucumán we see more ties, as Video, Voice App and even Upload Speed Experience are shared between two operators, or even three in the case of Video.
In Buenos Aires, Personal reached the 90% milestone for 4G Availability, 20 Mbps in Download Speed Experience, 8 Mbps in Upload Speed Experience and a Video Experience of 70, thus raising the bar for competitors in the capital on several key metrics. The Latency Experience our users saw in Buenos Aires is now as low as 36.5ms on Claro, and is nearing London’s record of 33.4ms.
Future awards are still anyone’s for the taking, despite Personal’s national and city-wide-domination of some metrics, or Claro’s lead in Latency and Voice App Experience. This is exemplified by the narrow margins by which some of the awards were won in the capital, such as Video Experience – 1 point margin – or Latency Experience – 0.9ms margin. The toughest award to snatch might prove to be Download Speed Experience, where Personal commands a 48% gap between it and the next contender in the capital.
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