Erlebnis mit Mobilfunknetzen: Deutschland, November 2024
Telekom ist der am häufigsten ausgezeichnete Betreiber und gewinnt Opensignals neuen Reliability Experience Award. O2 behält den Coverage Experience Award während
Vodafone und Telekom sich den 5G Download Speed Award teilen.
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024
Opensignal sheds light on the difference in the 5G experience seen by our users on different operators across the globe — to better inform users, operators and regulators — and to celebrate the mobile industry’s collective efforts.
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Germany, May 2018, State of Mobile Networks
Telekom's users experienced the fastest 4G download speeds by far in our measurements, with its speed of 33.6 Mbps being over 12 Mbps faster than Vodafone, and over double that of O2.
Which European Tech Hub offers the Fastest 4G?
If your tech startup needs excellent 4G connectivity around the clock, it’s probably best you set up base in Amsterdam, Stockholm, Zurich, or Tallinn.
Europe’s 4G speeds rise while the rest of the world stalls
While much of the world witnessed a stall in 4G speeds in 2017, Europe managed to provide faster download speeds to users than ever before.
The best performing 4G cities in Europe
Next week, Barcelona hosts the biggest wireless networking show in the world, <a href="" target="_blank">Mobile World Congress</a>, so we thought it would be an apt time to focus on some of the more interesting 4G trends in Europe.