Erlebnis mit Mobilfunknetzen: Deutschland, November 2024
Telekom ist der am häufigsten ausgezeichnete Betreiber und gewinnt Opensignals neuen Reliability Experience Award. O2 behält den Coverage Experience Award während
Vodafone und Telekom sich den 5G Download Speed Award teilen.
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2024
Opensignal sheds light on the difference in the 5G experience seen by our users on different operators across the globe — to better inform users, operators and regulators — and to celebrate the mobile industry’s collective efforts.
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Erlebnis mit Mobilfunknetzen: Deutschland, November 2023
Die Telekom stärkt ihre Position in der Award-Tabelle, da sie dieses Mal bis auf einen Award alle Auszeichnungen gewinnt. O2 sichert sich den alleinigen Sieg für das Netzabdeckungs-Erlebnis, während Vodafone dieses Mal ohne Auszeichnung davonkommt.
Germany, November 2023, Mobile Network Experience
Telekom strengthens its position in the awards table, as it wins all but one award outright this time around. It turns joint wins for 5G Games Experience and Availability into outright victories and also snatches Games Experience away from Vodafone. O2 secures a single sole win for Coverage Experience, while Vodafone walks away with no awards this time around.
Canada struggles in the global 5G race due to insufficient mid-band spectrum
In this new analysis, Opensignal investigates the impact of spectrum bandwidth on the 5G mobile network experience of our Canadian smartphone users, compared to that of users in other OECD markets.
5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2023
In the third 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards report, Opensignal once again compares operators from around the world to recognize those on which our users had the best 5G experience.
European markets show significant disparity in broadband user experience
In this analysis, Opensignal looks at user experience on broadband networks across 28 European markets. We have focused on three user experience measures — Broadband Download Speed, Broadband Upload Speed and Broadband Consistent Quality, the latter being a measure of how often users’ experience on a network is sufficient to support common applications’ requirements.
Global 5G benchmark: South Korea’s retreat on mmWave threatens its 5G leadership
South Korea’s leadership position in 5G experience is at risk as other markets deploy mmWave 5G ahead of South Korea. While South Koreans enjoy the fastest overall 5G download and upload speeds in the world, and spend the second highest time with a 5G connection — called 5G Availability — other markets are enjoying a further greater experience boost from mmWave 5G.
Users should upgrade their iPhone to have the best mobile network experience
Even current 5G iPhone users will see an experience boost from switching to a new 5G iPhone — up to 48% faster 5G speeds. iPhone 14 Plus has been more popular than the iPhone Mini in 80% of global markets analyzed. Markets vary in their preference for Pro and large screen iPhones.