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Understanding & measuring 5G

The promise of 5G to revolutionize the mobile industry started years before the first commercial networks even launched.

Download speeds measured in Gbps. Latencies reduced to single digit milliseconds. Bandwidths capable of serving an ever-growing mobile-first population. How much of the promise of 5G is reality now that the first commercial networks have begun rolling out?

Opensignal seeks to answer that question, using real-world 5G measurements from actual users to reality-check the hype.

We are tracking the 5G rollouts around the world and aim to be the single source of truth on the true 5G experience users receive as adoption grows in markets around the world.

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Blog Entry | No | Albania, All Countries, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costarica, Croatia, Czechrepublic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Elsalvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Global, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hongkong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, Newzealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudiarabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Southafrica, Southkorea, Spain, Srilanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, UAE, UK, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam | Ian Fogg

The rural urban divide widens with 5G rollouts in Italy

By Robert Wyrzykowski, August 2022

In this new analysis, Opensignal looked at the mobile network experience in rural and urban areas of Italy and compared it to that in five other European markets — France, Germany,  Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Blog Entry | No | France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK | Robert Wyrzykowski

مقارنة أداء تجربة تقنية الجيل الخامس (5G ) في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي - أغسطس 2022

By Ian Fogg, August 2022

في تقريرها الصادر حديثاً، والذي يمثل أول مقارنة لتجربة تقنية الجيل الخامس (5G)بين دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، تقيس أوبن سيجنال (Opensignal) تجربة المستخدمين في تقنية الجيل الخامس (5G) في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي في عدة نواحي مثل تجربة تدفق الفيديو عبر الهاتف المحمول، وتجربة الألعاب متعددة اللاعبين على الهاتف المحمول، واتصال التطبيقات الصوتية، والتوافر، والسرعة، بالاضافة الى قياس التطور في التجربة مقارنةً بخدمات الجيل الرابع الأقدم.

Blog Entry | No | Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudiarabia, UAE | Ian Fogg

Benchmarking the GCC 5G Experience — August 2022

By Ian Fogg, August 2022

5G is boosting the experience in all six GCC markets, although there are significant differences in the mobile experience between them.

Blog Entry | No | Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudiarabia, UAE | Ian Fogg

Users in Austria see a better 5G experience in urban areas than in rural ones

By Robert Wyrzykowski, August 2022

In our latest analysis, we compared the network experience of our Austrian smartphone users when they connected to mobile data services in urban and rural areas. Our study shows that users in Austria’s urban areas had significantly better mobile network experience than those in rural areas. They enjoyed faster download speeds, while also remaining connected to mobile networks for a higher amount of time.

Blog Entry | No | Austria | Robert Wyrzykowski

The 5G Experience in APAC’s biggest cities

By Sam Fenwick, August 2022

Opensignal has analyzed the 5G Experience in 11 of the largest cities in the Asia Pacific region. Seoul users see the fastest 5G Download Speeds and spent the most time connected to 5G.

Blog Entry | No | Australia, Hongkong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Newzealand, Philippines, Singapore, Southkorea, Taiwan, Thailand | Sam Fenwick