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Our app just got better - 5G is live in our coverage maps!

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We have added 5G coverage maps to our free to use, and advert free, mobile connectivity and network signal speed test app. So now you can check 5G coverage in your area and find out where to get the best connection.

Right down to street level, you'll see 5G experience in places that matter most to you, using speed test and signal data from local users. With network stats on local network operators, you can check coverage ahead of a trip, look at videos on the internet, test download strength in remote areas and also compare your network to other providers in the area. You can also check if a 5G upgrade is likely to improve your experience.

For many years, we've enabled mobile users to find the best coverage and fastest speeds with our network coverage maps. Our speed tests measure your mobile connectivity and signal strength by running a 5-second download test, a 5-second upload test and a ping test to provide a consistently accurate measurement of the internet speed you will likely experience. The speed test runs on common internet Content Delivery network (CDN) servers, Ths means we don't use dedicated test servers, but instead measure the end-to-end consumer network experience and the full path from the user device all the way to the CDNs, such as Google, Akamai and Amazon.

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